Where can I edit my aboutApp and aboutShow pages?

Core-apps comes with two info pages that you will want to edit and preview: aboutApp and aboutShow, both of which provide a great place to add items such as exhibit hall hours, local places to eat, and more. Start by navigating to Show Info > Info Pages. From there, you can edit your pages. 

The most common edit our clients make is to the logo that appears on the aboutApp and aboutShow pages. The steps to edit the logo are as follows:

After you click EDIT for the given page, you will be taken to a screen to edit the information that will appear in the mobile app.

By default, the graphic pictured below will appear in the description for both aboutApp and aboutShow. Most clients prefer to update this graphic to their show logo. 



Click Choose Files, then browse your computer for your show logo to add to the page.



Once your logo loads, highlight and copy the URL that appears next to your logo.



Once you have copied the image URL:

  • Click the image button in the HTML dashboard
  • Paste the URL into the URL field
  • Resize your image
    • Show logos are 1024x1024 px, so we recommend adjusting to a smaller size for better visibility on the info pages, such as 150x150 px
  • Once you resize the logo, click OK


Click into the text box to delete the existing logo, then click Submit. Next time you go to edit the page, you will see the new logo. The URL for the previous logo will appear, but the old logo will not appear in the text box. You will need to edit your logo on both the aboutApp and aboutShow pages.



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